• Image of 'The Ignorance of Purity' CD

3rd EP from Belfast's Gacys Threads.

Recorded at FreeRange Music Studio, County Down, Northern Ireland

Mastered at West West Side Music (WWSM), New Windsor, New York

Released through Savour Your Scene Records

Track listing:

1. The Ignorance of Purity
2. Weight of the Wretched
3. Hope Bleeds into Despair
4. Black Heart
5. To the Death


This is the sound of an energetic and committed band coming up with all the goods. Just listen to that blast at the end of ‘To The Death’. It’s packed with enthusiasm and fire.

So give them a chance and pick this up, most especially if you’re not even generally into this style (or rather, think you’re not into this style - in reality it’s pure metal). There’s a blistering set of tunes in here that’ll satisfy even the most jaded. In fact maybe that’s who should hear it the most. Absolutely brilliant - and an unorthodox, chance-taking, exciting album of the month.

4.6 / 5 - Earl Grey ::: 15/11/11